Monday, September 22, 2008

New Bow Styles

I figured out a cute new way to make bows... so I've made a few! The newer ones are at the top - and they are not very good photos. My friend with the fabulous camera isn't here to snap shots for me this morning so I'm just dealing with my little camera. You can get the basic idea though. Yesterday I sat Leah in front of the mirror and put a bow on her head just to try it on and see if it looked right. She just smiled at herself.... then I took it off and she got mad at me! wouldn't quit fussing until I put it back on her head! So, I think she likes them! I'm sure glad she does, because I like them on her!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Too many ideas and not enough time!

Oh, my goodness! I just keep coming up with more ideas of things I want to make, but somehow I can't seem to create any more time in my day to get them done!!!! Maybe I can get a few more bags made and get my thoughts and ideas together and get my blog up and running once Isaac goes to Kindergarten. Just a few more days! I'm sure going to miss him, though!
Later, Shelly

Friday, August 8, 2008

I got a blog!

I finally figured out a way to be able to show some of my designs. I will be posting more at a later date. Keep checking back!